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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

enqlish movie / book questions !

1). Well in the first chapter we learn about the misus, and how the blacks are not allowed to count. Mmmy is like a mother figure to all of the children which she shares a room with, Sarny is one of those. Mammy would pray at night, she was not supposed to, she would also talk about freedom. Old Waller was the slave owner, who brought NightJohn who knew how to read and write but the slave owner had no idea of this. Waller was a very big headed person who thought very highly of himself. NightJohn was brought back in bad shape he was walking in front of the horse while Waller was riding the big brown horse, he had a whip everywhere from old scars he was naked and their were flies all around him. All of the slaves were treated poorly they would be giventheir food in wooden troughs like animals . NightJohn has made a plan with Sarny to tradevtobacco in exchange he will teach her letters. Alice was a breeder , shw was very spacey because of all the wronging doing that was done to her she was whipped so bad that maggots came she then had to be sewn up. Jim the master let the dogs attack himand then he would pull them off. Pawley he met a girl , but forgot to make it back in enough time Waller let the dogs get him , but he did not let them kill him. Mmammy begins getting worried that Sarny might get whipped or worst if it gets out she knows how to read In response NightJohn says that negros should be taught to read and write so that years from now we will know what they went through back then. 

2). Malcom X- elected president had the highest grades in school, was seen as unique
Mr Ostrowski- always gave malcolm the impression that he liked him 
Mr MaynardAllen- the white states man 
Mr Swerlin- used many racist jokes terms throughout the story 
Mr Lyons- was smart, and a very hard working man 
Mrs Lyons- was a very good woman 
Mr Williams- used many jokes about african americans 
Many thought malcolm changed, he wasn't liking when the term "nigger"was being use they thought something was wrong with him. 

3). Th stories were all talking about times of lynching. And during this time many african americans were seen as animals , many were even treated as animals whites would give them no respect. Whites and blacks were seen as unequal so seperating schools was used whites and blacks in different schools. In all of the stories they were taking place in the south, but in these stories they all had a tone of sadness also a good message was in all of these stories . 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

english response !


english class !

Lets seee here , we just started a new topic in class monday we got 5 questions which had to do with society and political figures today and in the past . Some of the questions we were asked were dealing with what race has had it the hardest in society or something like that talking about how much our world has changed since the 1800s which goes all the way back to slavery and freedom, and stereotypes such as foreign people if they enter the United States they are seen as illegal immigrants, and african americans are seen as untrustworthy and dishonest. We have been talking about political figures in our society such as Martin Luther King , Malcolm X ,Reverend Al Sharpton .We are reading alot of stories which are dealing with slavery and what they been through during those hard times. The story that got me the most was the story we read yesterday , called NightJohn it was such a sad story but it deals with real things that happened like 20 years ago and at the end of the story NightJohn says to the women and the little girl the reason he wants them to be able to read is so that people will be able to read what they went through twenty years ago. What really got me was how much we have evolved as people, were not so judgemental now and saying or using racial terms.

Friday, November 12, 2010

english response !


enqlish class !

well imm sittinq in enqlish class i just took this test about the twelve angry it was pretty easy , well i think so i loved this book its about twelve men who are in the jury trying to decide whether the boy on trial is guilty or not guilty, all of the madness in this story is about growing up in slums and having a father who beats his son on a regular bases which makes the jury think at first that the boy might have bought a knife in attempts to kill his father, but there is alot of confusion on what exactly happened on that night the boy said he was seeing a movie but then to realize he bought a knife then went home in motives to kill his father in all of the frustation and anger he had been holding in for the last couple of years of his life . And in the very end of the story while we can see each of the 12 jurors points of view on the murder we then realize how much they really care as of the boy's life being on the line.

Monday, November 8, 2010

english respone (:


hello bloggers !

hellloooo bloggers, wow its been awhile english class has been pretty easy we just finished up everythinq over the book to kill a mockingbird, which i thought was a really well written book it starts off kind of slow , but as your continuley reading the book it just gets more interesting, we find out about a man whose name is Tom Robinson who is a black man who is later accused of rape to a white woman, but as they go to court the truth is begining to unravel Tom is not able to do what has been said about him, because his hand is messed up from a work related accident. Then it is later revealed that her father is the one who had beaten his daughter Mayella , and in the end Atticus is at home and later to find out that his kids have been beaten up in a sad misfourtune Jem his son is so badly hurt he is unconcious and is left with a broken arm, but this story the meaning to kill a mockingbird has a deeper meaning , which says that to kill a mockingbird whoch causes us no harm would mean that we as people could be capable of taking the life of someone who is innocent for no reason in this case Tom Robinson would be the mockingbird who is later killed, and Bob Ewell would be the killer in this case. Now we sjust began to read the story The Twelve Angry Men , which i really didn't understand at first but the book it really makes you think about who , or what is watching you or may be around you.