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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

english class !

Lets seee here , we just started a new topic in class monday we got 5 questions which had to do with society and political figures today and in the past . Some of the questions we were asked were dealing with what race has had it the hardest in society or something like that talking about how much our world has changed since the 1800s which goes all the way back to slavery and freedom, and stereotypes such as foreign people if they enter the United States they are seen as illegal immigrants, and african americans are seen as untrustworthy and dishonest. We have been talking about political figures in our society such as Martin Luther King , Malcolm X ,Reverend Al Sharpton .We are reading alot of stories which are dealing with slavery and what they been through during those hard times. The story that got me the most was the story we read yesterday , called NightJohn it was such a sad story but it deals with real things that happened like 20 years ago and at the end of the story NightJohn says to the women and the little girl the reason he wants them to be able to read is so that people will be able to read what they went through twenty years ago. What really got me was how much we have evolved as people, were not so judgemental now and saying or using racial terms.

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