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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

englishh class !

We have been working for 2 weeks on our trial paper research its alot of work when you think about it , but its not that bad I mean we could be reading poetry and having tests every week soo yeaa.
I'm researching Andrea Yates there is soooo much info I found on her so my research has been pretty much smooth sailing , the only part I hated about the whole project was the notecards which are very time consuming.
Today we were just typing up our works cited page which was very easyyy for the least part I thinkk. Mr potter is the coolest teacher I have besides my Choir teacher , Mr potter never pronounces my name right which is not very hard and on top of that he called me last today for checking my works cited page thanxx Mr potter haaah !

Monday, September 13, 2010

enqlish persuasive writinq essay !

soo happy i finished my essay yesterdayy i quess the topic i chose hard to findd research on but it is also veryy important . Well todayy i walked into the enqlish room to findd we have neww seats qreatt i sit in the corner of the room by the windows that isnt soo badd if there was a fire i juss have to take 3 stepss && imm out lol . Anyways todayy we were editinq each others essays andd their ue wednesdayy quud i hopee i qet a qood qrade !
Sooo, todayy i forgot that the persuasive essay was due I just remembered and submited it to turnitin.com. Well other than that today in english class Mr potter handed out this 16 page trial packet haha ohh happpy joyyy uqqqh well the good thing is we have 3 weekstil its due and the bad part is we need 55 notecardss mhmmm not soo badd in a wayy i guess the more sources you have the easier it is on yourself, sooo yeaaa .

Saturday, September 11, 2010

english class :/

So, we just started a unit on poetry last week. And one thing comes to mindd boringgg , welll its not all that bad i guess writing poetry comes easy to me. Now we are starting a new unit persuasive writing blahhh , writing essays are the hardest thing to start first off you have to think of a great intro andd thesis, three topic sentences , restating the thesis and a conclusion this hit me like a train wayyyyyy to muchh stuff to do andd the greatest thing of all is that the rough draft is due mondayy . I have to say english is one of my favorite classes we get to make our own blogs which is pretty cool and we get to say what we like/dislike about the class or assignments were working on. I just hope that the next unit we work on in class is a little more exciting than reading or writing .

Wednesday, September 1, 2010