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Saturday, September 11, 2010

english class :/

So, we just started a unit on poetry last week. And one thing comes to mindd boringgg , welll its not all that bad i guess writing poetry comes easy to me. Now we are starting a new unit persuasive writing blahhh , writing essays are the hardest thing to start first off you have to think of a great intro andd thesis, three topic sentences , restating the thesis and a conclusion this hit me like a train wayyyyyy to muchh stuff to do andd the greatest thing of all is that the rough draft is due mondayy . I have to say english is one of my favorite classes we get to make our own blogs which is pretty cool and we get to say what we like/dislike about the class or assignments were working on. I just hope that the next unit we work on in class is a little more exciting than reading or writing .

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