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Friday, February 25, 2011

The Road Not Often Traveled

I suddenly awaken to the sight of nothingness . I hear no sound and it is unpleasant , I usually am awakened by a strong satisfying smell of ample pancakes but today was anything but normal. As soon as I storm out of my bed and into each of the four rooms that were usually occupied with each of my family members , it was strange to wrap my mind around the fact that in each room the same thing complete emptiness . Walking throughout my house was strange hearing complete silence overtaken by each room . I stumble upon a calendar and realize it was the year 2021 this is not only shocking , but unreal itv was 2012 when i was unfrozen in an underground tunnel . Trying to figure out how I am home again safe , I get a sense of happiness , but at yhe same time sadness overtook me so strongly in such a weird way that was unbearable at the moment so I left . I decide to leave my house and roam the town thinking this I thought I might stumble upon another person who could help me not only find my family but the many questions I had . Looking around at each store and the town square that was once happy and lively , was ridden with darkness and vacant emptiness . Finally I get a strange flashback there were children running , mothers shrieking in complete terror and me shuddering in complete amazement at the frank sight my eyes had bear upon . For I look up and see a huge life-like human turned into a 200 ft statuette , with unwordly terrifying characteristics . Two frighting colorless eyes , jet black billowing hair and a large devilish twisted smile. Running faster than I ever have before I fell over a body later realizing it was my father my other once living family members were crushed among the cement pavement , this altogether was such a horrible sight to see I at the time was only 15 years old very tramaticfor my young eyes . Crying in complete hysteria and running at the same time I came upon an underground cave , I let out a huge sigh of relief when the tall menacing statuette was nowhere to be found. Many years later I was found frozen to death and everything and everyone else was gone into non-existence. I was found by creatures in golden jumpsuits green faced and talking in a language that I could not make out exactly , before I could ask any questions they unfroze me with a gadget that captured my eyes it was small with bright light . I had no chance to ask what had happened to the others for they were gone in a blink of an eye. So I layed there in a dark tunnel , scared and without anybody but myself . So I lead myself on a journey on a road not often traveled beholden by nothing and finally free .


  1. I like it. But there were a lot of punctuation errors and the story was jumping from place to place. Just saying.

  2. MR. Potter read this story in class, I liked it (: haha I was kind of confused how the person got frozen though. Im thinking that maybe I should make some alien friends incase the world starts coming to an end someday.
