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Sunday, May 1, 2011

hello bloggers, I am soo happy this week not only because we finally finished the book Julius Caesar and the notes also , but because it's May which also means we are in the last month of this school year. Anyways lately in English class we have been finishing up the book and taking Notes and having short little quizzes here and there. Not really much in my other classes on the other hand I've had quizzes galore , which has kinda been a drag because I found out we get out interim cards Friday I think my grades are okay but I will have to wait and see I guess fingers crossed I did okay. This has also been a pretty bad week because we have been dissecting in biology class which almost had me in tears I hope we are done with it I hate it soooo much and it is really bad because right after dissecting a frog or perch fish I would have lunch which always made me lose my appetite yuck !
But on the other hand we've been in preparation for our choir contest which has been highly entartaining besides the sight reading which is my least favorite thing to do in choir .

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