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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

english response !!


hello english (:

hellooo bloggers :
Lately I feel as If each day is dragging and the weeks as well maybe It's because we only have 3 weeks left , and in two weeks we will begin testing for exams the only thing in the world im dreading and probably the last thing on my mind kinda. I am striving to ed with amazing grades to show off all the hard work and dedication I put into my Sophmore year so my summer will be amazing !!!
Anywho we are summing up the last pages of Orson Welles probably to me the most interesting book we have read all year , and the only book that has truly kept my attention the whole way through. The teenage character in the story has really found his way and is moving at the beat of his drum at the very begining of the story he was constantly struggling asking the constant question "Who am I ?" But he finally realizes who he is and what he stands for in the new chapter 16/17 he stood up to Orson Welles and later makes a Deal with him later in which Orson apologizes for all of the harsh things he had recently said to Richard and let's him rejoin to cast of the play Julius Caesar. In this whole experience just when Richard finds the one girl that finally likes him , he finds out that she was seeing Orson Welles too but , Orson Welles is married and he has a pregnant wife so he is technically having an affair with one of his so called workers of the cast which is awful. But the play is going all well until Richard's friends give shout out's sying Black Crow during his speaking role in the play. I can't wait until we finish this book it seems like every chpter is even better than the last , I just hope that Orson Welles is found out about his cheating ways. I just hope the Exam for english is is easy as the little short tests we take in class.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

English class !

Hello bloggers !
I'll give a short and brief sum up of the new book we are reading about Orson Welles , me myself and didn't think I would have liked this book very much but it is very relatable what is going on in some ways. Some of the things the young Kid named Richard talks about are very out there, but the book is very entertaining in all I guess. With is book we are doing the same thing that we did with Julius Caesar reading a certain amount of chapters and then having short brief quizzes about those chapters and sometimes there would be quotes or vocabulary also. I didn't really find The book Julius Caesar very interesting with the old English and all , but Orson Welles on the other hand is very entertaining and catches everybody's attention and it really passes the time in class. Unlike Julius Caesar whenever we were suppose to read that book in class I would dread every minute of it and I felt like it only made the class period drag along slower and slower which wasn't the best. Any-who the school year is narrowing which is very exciting I'm counting down everyday and making everything count for my grades, with the days narrowing down this would only mean the final exams are also coming soon as well and I'm not looking forward to all of that studying and notecards everywhere ughghh !!

Friday, May 6, 2011

english response !


english class !

Hello Bloggers !
today is fridayyyy yes probably my favorite day out of the whole weeek, and it's also the month of may which also happens to mean there are only likee twenty days of school left !
I am trying to really do my best these last couple of weeks sooo that I can enjoy my summer to the fullest with no dull days. Anyways alot of my teachers have been starting to talk about the final exams that we are going to have the last week and a half of school which im realllly not looking forward to at all , but at least the weather will be amazing which means it will finally be SUMMER (: This week in english class we have been re-taking quizzes that we could re-do in attempts to getting a better grade, we also finally finished Julius Caesar which was not a very interesting book to me some days I just wanted to fall asleep but I didn't. The last chapters of the book for me were not very interesting , the one chapter that stuck out the most for me would be when Brutus is in his tent reading and he sees an apparation which appears to be Caesar's ghost seeking revenge on all the conspirators that killed him. One by one the commit suicide by stabbing thereselves with there own sword. But un-like the others Brutus wants to die an honourable death he asks Strato to hold out  his sword and he will run upon it , which he did and his dying words were now Caesar be still. i killed not thee with half so good a will. What this means is that it was easier to kill hiself than it was killing Caesar who seen him as a good friend. He would be remembered as the nobelest man of them all, his intenions on killing Caesar were only for the good of Rome not out of envy like the other conspirators. Now in English class we are starting a new book about Orson Welles , yesterday we just took notes an today we just watched a biography about him and his work. I hope this book is better than Julius Casear if not I will be struggling from trying not to fall asleep.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

hello bloggers, I am soo happy this week not only because we finally finished the book Julius Caesar and the notes also , but because it's May which also means we are in the last month of this school year. Anyways lately in English class we have been finishing up the book and taking Notes and having short little quizzes here and there. Not really much in my other classes on the other hand I've had quizzes galore , which has kinda been a drag because I found out we get out interim cards Friday I think my grades are okay but I will have to wait and see I guess fingers crossed I did okay. This has also been a pretty bad week because we have been dissecting in biology class which almost had me in tears I hope we are done with it I hate it soooo much and it is really bad because right after dissecting a frog or perch fish I would have lunch which always made me lose my appetite yuck !
But on the other hand we've been in preparation for our choir contest which has been highly entartaining besides the sight reading which is my least favorite thing to do in choir .

Friday, April 22, 2011

English class !

If I could do a re-make of Julius Caesar , I would cast the following celebrities .
I would cast the role of Caesar to P.Diddy because he has been around for a while and has a lot of different products by him and advertisements which would lead some to think he has too much power. The role of Brutus would deffinately be Kanye West who is very arrogant and thinks he deserves the same amount of respect as Caesar and is willing to do whatever it takes to get this known to everyone else. The role of Cassius would be played by Angelina who in the show jersey shore tried to turn best friends against each other and is very dangerous. The fortune teller role would be cast to Robert Pattinson who is very aware of his surroundings which he warns those around him. The role of Antony would be cast to Taylor Lautner who is very good looking and a honest and very outgoing person. The role of Casca would be cast to Kirsten Stewart who is very awkward and sees things in a different way. The role of Cicero would be cast to George Clooney who is older an honored and also very wise. The role of Portia
would be beyonce who is very bold and a great actor.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

english response !


english class !

Hello bloggers , yaaaay we got our report cards yesterday and I myself am very satisfied with my grades especially math which is my least favorite subject but hey I have an 85 in that class sooo im just fine. Anyways let me see last week we started watching the Julius Caesar movie Thursday and finished it on Friday which , was very confusing to me since we couldn't watch the movie from the very begining which mad me very upset because I knew nothing that was going on. But me myself whenever I talk about Julius Caesar in English I hear the same exact thing how boring the New Unit is which is not vbery pleasing for me to hear because I hate reading stories those such that will bore me. We just started reading the book Monday which is for me the worst day of the week and the hardest trying to re-adjust from the weekend. In my own opinion the story isn't really that bad, the language they use in the book is pretty annoying but other then that its okay i guess. Hopefully reading this book will become more interesting so far we learned how Julius Caesar  was seen as everything and everybody in the town respected him. Then we learn about Brutus and Cassius who tries to turn Brutus against Caesar saying such things as how Brutus has the same things that Julius Caesar has , but he does not recieve the same respect as he does. I can't wait until something else supensful happens in the story.

Monday, April 4, 2011

english response !


english class !

Hello bloggers, gosh its really been a while since we just came back from spring break i really was dreading coming back and getting back into the flow of homework, test and quizzes. But i really like the project that was assigned to us, The multi-genre novel I chose to read Twilight. Which mainly consists of two teens that share a forbidden love, but each day it will be tested and in such it will show them how strong the relationship really is. The project for me was really easy I started planning ahead what I would chose to do from each of the 3 columns. I really liked the discussion we had today about william shakespeare , which whenever his name is said the first thing you hear are groans and the students saying how pointless his stories are. In mr. Potters words "William Shakespeares is the man". And we read a sonnet today which was written over 500 years ago and he wrote about a girl's beauty that he is comparing to alot of different things from  the summer and how her beauty will be forever eternal. Im not looking forward to reading the story julius ceaser it sounds pretty boring , but ill just wait and see i guess .

Friday, March 25, 2011

Dear reader

Dear Reader,
            In my book Twilight Saga : New Moon, you can expect a lot of suspense in the characters and the different obstacles they will be put through. Two young teens very much love struck for each other find themselves too close, other vampires try to harm them. In attempts to help Bella, Edward finds in his best judgment to relocate away from Forks for awhile to protect her from the harm that is supposed to come her way. When this does not work the Vultori gets involved and just when things were at an all time low things only get worst. In my post you can expect to meet two characters who have a forbidden love, but will risk it all to be with the other. Throughout the story they will overcome many obstacles that will try to not only separate them, but keep them apart forever. Their forbidden relationship is looked down upon form their parents, siblings, and friends. As both are trying to get on with their life without the other it only gets worst they begin to worry in such getting depressed. Constantly beginning to get through there everyday life their relationship will be tested on a whole new level neither of them were expecting it would be this drastic.

Friday, February 25, 2011

The Road Not Often Traveled

I suddenly awaken to the sight of nothingness . I hear no sound and it is unpleasant , I usually am awakened by a strong satisfying smell of ample pancakes but today was anything but normal. As soon as I storm out of my bed and into each of the four rooms that were usually occupied with each of my family members , it was strange to wrap my mind around the fact that in each room the same thing complete emptiness . Walking throughout my house was strange hearing complete silence overtaken by each room . I stumble upon a calendar and realize it was the year 2021 this is not only shocking , but unreal itv was 2012 when i was unfrozen in an underground tunnel . Trying to figure out how I am home again safe , I get a sense of happiness , but at yhe same time sadness overtook me so strongly in such a weird way that was unbearable at the moment so I left . I decide to leave my house and roam the town thinking this I thought I might stumble upon another person who could help me not only find my family but the many questions I had . Looking around at each store and the town square that was once happy and lively , was ridden with darkness and vacant emptiness . Finally I get a strange flashback there were children running , mothers shrieking in complete terror and me shuddering in complete amazement at the frank sight my eyes had bear upon . For I look up and see a huge life-like human turned into a 200 ft statuette , with unwordly terrifying characteristics . Two frighting colorless eyes , jet black billowing hair and a large devilish twisted smile. Running faster than I ever have before I fell over a body later realizing it was my father my other once living family members were crushed among the cement pavement , this altogether was such a horrible sight to see I at the time was only 15 years old very tramaticfor my young eyes . Crying in complete hysteria and running at the same time I came upon an underground cave , I let out a huge sigh of relief when the tall menacing statuette was nowhere to be found. Many years later I was found frozen to death and everything and everyone else was gone into non-existence. I was found by creatures in golden jumpsuits green faced and talking in a language that I could not make out exactly , before I could ask any questions they unfroze me with a gadget that captured my eyes it was small with bright light . I had no chance to ask what had happened to the others for they were gone in a blink of an eye. So I layed there in a dark tunnel , scared and without anybody but myself . So I lead myself on a journey on a road not often traveled beholden by nothing and finally free .

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

english response !


enqlish class !

Hello bloggers ! How has everybody been ? Well me myself I've been alright kinda stressed about upcoming tests and the OGT's . Anywho one of the best movies I have seen was Stepbrothers the whole movie is very comedic it had me laughing the whole time its just a laugh . Another movie that I am really into well more like a series , but that would happen to be Twilight the characters are very relatable . The story consists of a teenage love that is forbidden and looked down on by there peers which only makes them rebel to see eachother anyways , there are always obstacles that keep them apart but in the end they find eachother and its just magical lol . Movies that I have recently seen are Justin Bieber's Never Say Never , and The Roomates . Well I think personally The Roomates the commercial seems better than the movie and the movie itself was not scary it just has alot of funny parts I think haha . The justin Bieber movie ohh myy gossh , it was everything i thought it would be honestly it was kind of a biography of his life story from where he started of to where he is now . The movie is very cute it has parts where he is singing with other musicians , or having live performances the movie was just so cute I cried soo yeaah it inspired me hahah !

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

english response !


english class !

 Lately in english class I've pretty much been on top of these blogs I always have them done by Monday or Tuesday, Because I know that If I wait I will forget and that would put a damper on my grades which wouldn't help because I'm trying maintain at least a 3.5 GPA . Many of my friends later found out that by not doing there blogs each week that there grades would be affetced , because blogs is a huge majority of our grades , soo yeahh. Hello bloggers , this weeks topic is to say something that you might consider to be a complete waste of time . Well for me myself I just got an I-pad for christmas which Happens to be the best present I have ever gotten anywho I always find myself downloading a million apps on it from angry birds , to the Sim's 3 , Coloring Book , Pandora , Scrabble . Angry Birds just happens to be the game that I could play all day If you let me lol , that game is just so addicting I tell you the little birds are in a catapult in which you use your finger to fling them across the game board and you have to knock over other birds , sounds pretty stupid but it is very entertaining. Facebook is another thing that I find myself to be very addicted to i really don't know why its pretty stupid if you think about it hahah ! I also downloaded an app that is nothing but a coloring book which might sound childish , anyways the pictures are always so cute and I love to color them , which my parents laugh at me that game is very entertaining.

Friday, February 4, 2011

english response !


english class !

For me I am the oldest of my siblings, I have a 10 year little sister who is in the 5th grade and is very annoying and weird hahah. I have two little brothers the oldest is 3 years old and the youngest is 10 months . Growing up with my siblings is just mind blowing their growing up so fast its hard to believe how fast years go by. Next year my little sister will be in middle school she will be going to Middle School West , which happens to be the same middle school I myself went to. My little brothers aren't really as annoying as my youngest sister , but they have their moments were I would like to pull my hair out and lock myself in my room , but hey there my siblings I guess that's kinda there job to annoy me into insanity lol . My youngest brother just started walking , which is really cute to see him walking and scooting throughout the house but is also very scary to come home from school and see that he has messed my room up entirely which doesn't make me to hapyy because I'm a neat freak , and I flip out when something is missed placed in my room . Anyways like I said before siblings can't live with them , but you also can't live without them.I couldn't even begin to imagine my life without any of those little rascals they just put a smile on my face everyday (:

Monday, January 24, 2011

english response !


english class !

Hello bloggers today is our first day back from a long and stressful exam week , im so happy it is finally over but now we have to worry about our grades for each exam and we get our report cards friday im not really worried because i have great grades but then again im worried to get my grades for history and biology all fingers crossed i did absolutely fine. Let's see our first day back in english today we walked in to the delightful world of punctuation yaaay (hahah not) anywho  we got a little packet in whoch we had 20 short sentences in which we have to add punctuations or put the letter C next to it if nothing needs to be changed , i myself think i did fine but we as a class found out that we will have a short assesment over it sometime later this week . This should be very easy seeing as most of the things we have learned in our past. Today in english we later learned that this little packet would be what we would have to know for the OGT later on in March , also there will be two parts to the English exam such as writing and reading both which I myself think that I should have no problem with because I love to read it kinda depends on whether the story and or book I'm reading is interesting . I love to write because when I have an idea I will just write paragraph after paragraph it just comes to me naturally piece by piece . I'm really not looking forward to any of my other exams especially not biology that is the only one ,  I think i will not have any problems with them .

Friday, January 7, 2011

english response !


english class !

Hello bloggers, lately in english we've been talking about mystery which is very intersting. One story that we read in particular which i really enjoyed was the story about, a young couple and their on there way to a place and their listening to the radio and they found out that an old woman had just recently escaped the psych ward and is on the loose killing people with a kitchen utensil . And the young couple are out on their car trip and all of a sudden they run out of gas, and they find out that later on that day an older couple was muredered in the same area which they are now stranded at. The wife starts loosing her mind in which another woman approaches the car and is pleading the young gentleman in the car to let her in during this long process the woman says that she is not the deranged old woman on the loose even though she could be her she is much older and her hair was messed up, anyways the man lets the woman join them in the car and she starts acting very weird, as if she were going to kill the two in the car , but we later find out that the man kills the woman accidentally , and they find out that the woman on the loose has been caputered and is now in prison. Later on this week we will start on getting ready for the exams.